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Efficiency is for people who value doing more over what is done.
Efficiency ends up causing people to burnout.
I think these are false.
Pursuing efficiency can cause these. But for people who are careful not to mess up on these two fronts, the cost of not being efficient is lack of effectiveness within all time available to us. Our feedback cycle becomes slow, in fact, we might even miss out that we could actually get feedback sooner, its just a question of putting out the right volume of work. The parable I remember most related to this is the story of getting sales through printed posters:
An effective poster distribution leads to about 0.5% conversion rate on people/poster produced.
If we take on the sizable task of placing 300 whole posters for people to see, at 0.5%, we would only have 1.5 people showing up.
1.5 people is not information to come to any kind of conclusions about effectiveness.
The minimal scale then is at least 5000 posters since ~25 people if a poster is successful.

We need to figure out how prevent failure to believe we can produce an order of magnitude higher volume when it is actually possible. (If we don't believe we can do it, it doesn't stay in our minds long enough to create the way to implement it)